Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard – UTBM –
site de Sévenans
90010 BELFORT Cedex
Sebastien ROTH est Professeur des Universités en mécanique à l’UTBM (60ème section du CNU). Il est directeur adjoint du département COMM.
Il travaille sur la modélisation et la simulation des structures sous sollicitations dynamiques, en particulier le cas d’impacts.
Tant sur un volet théorique qu’appliqué, il développe des méthodes et des outils dédiés à la compréhension des phénomènes d’impacts à hautes vitesses sur divers matériaux, comme par exemple: des méthodes numériques originales (SPH) appliquées à la mécanique de l’impact (au niveau macroscopique et microscopique), des modélisations et simulations de structures biologiques soumises à des chocs, le développement d’un mannequin numérique biomécanique biofidèle (mannequin de choc HUByx), le développement de simulations dans un contexte militaire (impacts balistiques ou explosion).
quelques publications dans des revues internationales des 5 dernières années:
– Aristide Awoukeng Goumtcha, Michèle Bodo, Lorenzo Taddei and Sébastien Roth, From military to civil loadings: Preliminary numerical-based thorax injury criteria investigations, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Biomed. Engng. Volume 32, Issue 3, (2016); e02738 DOI: 10.1002/cnm.2738
– M.Gruber, N.Lebaal, S.Roth, N.Harb, P. Sterionow, F. Peyraut.” Parameter identification of hardening laws for bulk metal forming using experimental and numerical approach”, International Journal of Material Forming (2016), Volume 9, Issue 1, pp 21-33, 10.1007/s12289-014-1196-5
– M Bodo, S Roth, “Uncertainties of impact configurations for numerical replications of real-world trauma: a FE analysis”, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, Volume: 16 Issue: 8 Article Number: 1640018 (2016)
– D Chamoret, M Bodo, S Roth, A first step in finite-element simulation of a grasping task, Computer Assisted Surgery, Volume: 21 Supplement: 1 Pages: 22-29 (2016)
– A Bracq, G Haugou, R Delille, F Lauro, S Roth, O Mauzac, Experimental study of the strain rate dependence of a synthetic gel for ballistic blunt trauma assessment, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volume 72, 2017, Pages 138–147
– M.Bodo, A. Bracq, R.Delille, C.Marechal, S.Roth (2017), Thorax injury criteria assessment through non-lethal impact using an enhanced biomechanical model, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 17 (07), 1740027
– M. Bodo, S. Roth, Numerical investigation of similarity laws for blast simulation: open-field propagation and interaction with a biomechanical model, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures , 2018, 25 (13), 1140-1147.
– F.Demoly, S. Roth, Knowledge-based parametric CAD models of configurable biomechanical structures using geometric skeletons, Computers in Industry 92–93 (2017) 104–117
– Taddei L, Lebaal N, Roth S, (2017) Axis-symmetrical Riemann problem solved with standard SPH method. Development of a polar formulation with artificial viscosity, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 74 (12), 3161-3174,
– Bodo M., Roth S. (2017) Lung tissue modelling under non-penetrating impact: a comparative investigation on numerical injury criteria, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 20:sup1, 21-22, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2017.1382841
– Bracq A, Maréchal C, Delille R., Bourel B., Roth S. , Mauzac O. (2017), Methodology for ballistic blunt trauma assessment, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 20:sup1, 31-32, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2017.1382846
– Taddei L., Frissane H., Lebaal N., Roth S. (2017) Smoothed particle hydrodynamics – based method for penetrating impacts in a biomechanical context, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 20:sup1, 199-200, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2017.1382931
– Lebaal N., Azaouzi M., Roth S. (2017) Shape optimization of coronary stents based on Finite Element Analysis, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 20:sup1, 119-120, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2017.1382888
– H. Frissane, L. Taddei, N. Lebaal, S. Roth, Axis-symmetrical SPH simulation of penetrating impact in a biological tissue simulant, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures [in press]
– P Lesage, L Dembinski, M Schmitt, JP Roth, S Gomes, S Roth, Low-velocity impact loadings on mechanical components: Subtractive versus additive manufacturing, Mechanics Research Communications (2018) 90, 47-51
– A Bracq, G Haugou, B Bourel, C Maréchal, F Lauro, S Roth, O Mauzac, On the modeling of a visco-hyperelastic polymer gel under blunt ballistic impacts, International Journal of Impact Engineering (2018) 118, 78-90
– S. Roth, Three dimensionnal numerical study on the influence of the thorax positioning submitted to blast loading : consequences on body trauma, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures [in press]
– A Bracq, R.Delille, C. Marechal, B. Bourel, S. Roth, O. Mauzac, Rib fractures prediction method for kinetic energy projectile impact: from blunt ballistic experiments on SEBS gel to impact modelling on a human torso FE model, Forensic Science International, Volume 297, April 2019, Pages 177-183
– N Lebaal, Y Zhang, F Demoly, S Roth, S Gomes, A Bernard, Optimised lattice structure configuration for additive manufacturing, CIRP Annals, Volume 68, Issue 1, 2019, Pages 117-120
– Al-Khalil M. Frissane H., Taddei L. ,Meng S., Lebaal N., Demoly F., Bir C., Roth S. SPH-based method to si mulate penetrating impact mechanics into ballistic gelatin: Toward an understanding of the perforation of human tissue, Extreme Mechanics Letters, Volume 29, May 2019, 100479
– A Bracq, R Delille, B Bourel, C Maréchal, G Haugou, F Lauro, S Roth, O Mauzac, Numerical Recreation of Field Cases on a Biofidelic Human FE Model Involving Deformable Less-Lethal Projectiles, Human Factors and Mechanical Engineering for Defense and Safety 3 (1), 5 (2019)
– H. Frissane, L. Taddei, N. Lebaal, S. Roth, 3D smooth particle hydrodynamics modeling for high velocity penetrating impact using GPU: Application to a blunt projectile penetrating thin steel plates, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, volume 357, Article 112590.
– Bracq, C. Maréchal, R. Delille, B. Bourel, F. Lauro, S. Roth, O. Mauzac, A numerical analysis of the risk of rib fractures during blunt ballistic impacts on a human thorax, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 22:sup1, S1-S393, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2019.1668135
– S. Roth, Three dimensionnal numerical study on the influence of the thorax positioning submitted to blast loading : consequences on body trauma, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 2020, 27 (5), 396-402.
– Shen J. Taddei, L. Roth S. Numerical modelling of a human tissue surrogate SEBS gel under high velocity impacts: investigation of the effect of the strain rate in an elasto-hydrodynamic law, Mechanics of Advanced Material and Structures, [in press]
– Shuangshuang, M., Frissane, H., Taddei, L. Lebaal.N, Roth, S. The study on performances of kernel types in solid dynamic problems by smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Comp. Part. Mech. (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40571-020-00339-0
– Meng S., Taddei L., Lebaal N., Veysset D., Roth S., Modelling micro-particles impacts into ballistic gelatine using smoothed particles hydrodynamics method, Extreme Mechanics Letters 39 (2020) 100852
– Meng S., Taddei L., Lebaal N., Veysset D., Roth S, Advances in ballistic penetrating impact simulations on thin structures using Smooth Particles Hydrodynamics: a state of the art, Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, Volume 159, February 2021, 107206
– Lebaal N., Settar A.; Roth, S. Gomes, S., Conjugate heat transfer analysis within in lattice-filled heat exchanger for additive manufacturing, Mechanics of Advanced Material and Structures, [in press], 2020
– A. Bracq, R. Delille, C. Maréchal, B. Bourel, F. Lauro, S. Roth, O. Mauzac, On the use of a SEBS polymer gel block as a new ballistic target to assess blunt ballistic impacts: application to a wide range of LLKE projectiles, International Journal of Impact Engineering, Volume 153, July 2021, 103874
– S. Meng, J.Shen, L.Taddei, N.Lebaal, D.Veysset, K. A.Nelson, S.Roth, Modelling of micro-particles perforations into human tissue surrogate: numerical and analytical aspects, Extreme Mechanics Letters 45 (2021) 1012
– C.Blondé-Weinmann, T. Joubaud, V.e Zimpfer, P. Hamery, S. Roth, Characterization of cartilage implication in protected hearing perception during direct vibro-acoustic stimulation at various locations, 2021, Applied Acoustics 179(5):108074
– Shen J.. Roth S. Effect of geometrical and mechanical parameters of ribs submitted to high velocity impact. A numerical investigation, Mechanics of Advanced Material and Structures, [in press], 2021, in press
– L Taddei, A Bracq, R Delille, B Bourel, C Marechal, F Lauro, S Roth, Effect of blast loading on the risk of rib fractures: a preliminary 3D numerical investigation, Forensic science international 326, 110930
– S Meng, L Taddei, M Al-Khalil, S Roth, SPH-based simulation of micro-impacts in human-tissue surrogate: A preliminary study on multilayered structure, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1-10
– M Al Khalil, N Lebaal, F Demoly, S Roth, A design and optimization framework of variable-density lattice structures for additive manufacturing, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 1-15
– Blondé-Weinmann C., Hamery P., Zimpfer V., Joubaud T. and Roth S ., Effects of impedance mismatches on impulse wave’s propagation at the outer ear: a preliminary numerical investigation., Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 24(sup1):S148-S149
– Chaufer M., Delille R., Bourel B., Marechal C., Lauro F., Mauzac O., Le Roux O., Roth S. Enhancement of a human thoracic FE model for blunt impact and related trauma, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 24(sup1):S310-S311
Sébastien ROTH enseigne dans la formation de mécanique de l’UTBM. En licence 3 et Master, il dispense des enseignements liés à la modélisation et la simulation numérique, la conception assistée par ordinateur, la mécanique des matériaux et les lois de comportement.
Conception, Optimisation
et Modélisation
en Mécanique
Interactions et
Contrôle Quantiques
Procédés Métallurgiques Durabilité, Matériaux