UTBM Site de Sévenans
Équipe de recherche Conception, Optimisation, Modélisation en Mécanique.
Bureau au bâtiment Rotonde : R405.
1. SAGOT J.C., GOUIN V., GOMES S. “Ergonomics in product design: a safety factor”. Safety Science International Journal, vol. 41, no. 2-3, pages 137-154. 2003.
2. GOMES S., MONTICOLO D., HILAIRE V., MAHDJOUB M., “A multi-agent System embedded to a PLM to synthesize and re-use industrial knowledge”, International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, vol. 2, Issue 4, pages 317-336, 2007.
3. FENIX J., SAGOT J-C., VALOT C., GOMES S. “Operator centred design: example of a new driver aid system in the field of rail transport”, Cognition, Technology and Work, vol.1, pages 53-60, 2008.
4. MONTICOLO D., HILAIRE V., GOMES S., KOUKAM A., “A Multi-Agent System for building Project Memories to facilitate the design process”, International Journal in Integrated Computer Aided Engineering, vol. 15, Number 1, pages 3-20, 2008.
5. BLUNTZER J-B., GOMES S., BASSIR D.H., VARRET A., SAGOT J-C, “Direct multi-objective optimization of parametric geometrical models stored in PLM systems to improve functional product design”, International Journal of Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, vol. 2, pages 83-90, 2008.
6. MONTICOLO D., GOMES S., HILAIRE V., KOUKAM A. “An approach to Support the Knowledge Management Process inside Professional Activities”, International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management, vol.3, Issue 2/3, p 211-228, 2008.
7. GOMES S., VARRET A., BLUNTZER J-B., SAGOT J-C. “Functional design and optimization of parametric CAD models in a knowledge-based PLM environment” International Journal of Product Development, DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2009.026174, vol 9, n°1/2/3, p 60-77, 2009.
8. GOMES S., MONTICOLO D., HILAIRE V., EYNARD B., “Content Management based on Multi Agent System for collaborative Design”, International Journal of Product Development, DOI: 10.1504/IJPD.2009.026174, vol.8, Issue 2, p 178-192, 2009.
9. MAHDJOUB M., MONTICOLO D., GOMES S., SAGOT J-C., “A collaborative Design for usability approach supported by Virtual Reality and a Multi-Agent System embedded in a PLM environment”. Computer-Aided Design 42 (5), 402-413, 2010.
10. CHAMORET D., PEYRAUT F., GOMES S., FENG Z,Q, “Finite element approach applied to human digital model for biomechanical modeling” International Journal on Interactive Design and manufacturing, doi:10.1007/s12008-009-0087-3, Volume 4, Issue 1 Page 75, 2010.
11. PEYRAUT F., CHAMORET D., GOMES S., FENG Z. Q., “Implémentation éléments finis du modèle hyperélastique anisotrope HGO” European Journal of Computational Mechanics, p441-464, 2010.
12. DEMOLY F., MONTICOLO D., EYNARD B., RIVEST L., GOMES S., “Multiple viewpoint modeling framework enabling integrated product-process design”, International Journal on Interactive Design and manufacturing, Volume 4, Number 4, pp.269-280, 2010.
13. TOUSSAINT L., DEMOLY F, LEBAAL N, GOMES S.,” PLM-Based Approach for Design Verification and Validation using manufacturing Process Knowledge, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Volume 8, Number 1, 2010.
14. DEMOLY F., YAN X.-T., EYNARD B., RIVEST L., GOMES S., “An Assembly-Oriented Design Framework for Product Structure Engineering and Assembly Sequence Planning,” Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, n°27(1), 2011, pp. 33-46.
15. MONTICOLO D.,GOMES S.,”Wikidesign: A semantic Wiki to evaluate collaborative knowledge”, International Journal of e-Collaboration, Vol. 7, Issue 3, pp. 31-42, DOI: 10.4018/jec.2011070103, 2011.
16. BADIN, J., MONTICOLO, D., CHAMORET, D., GOMES, S. “Using the knowledge configuration model to manage knowledge in configuration for upstream phases of the design process” International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, Volume 5, Issue 3, pp 171-185, 2011.
17. DEMOLY F., FALGARONE H., FRICERO B., TROUSSIER N., EYNARD B., GOMES S., “Proactive assembly oriented design based on the deployment of functional requirements”, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 11, N°1, 2011.
18. DEMOLY F., YAN X.-T., EYNARD B., RIVEST L., GOMES S., “An Assembly-Oriented Design Framework for Product Structure Engineering and Assembly Sequence Planning,” Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, n°27(1), pp. 33-46, 2011.
19. TOUSSAINT L., LEBAAL N., SCHLEGEL D., GOMES S., “Automatic optimization of air conduct design using experimental data and numerical results”, International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, Volume 4, Number 2, DOI 10.1051/ijsmdo/2010011, 2011.
20. DEMOLY F., TOUSSAINT L., EYNARD, B., KIRITSIS, D., GOMES, S. “Geometric skeleton computation enabling concurrent product engineering and assembly sequence planning”, Computer-Aided Design, Volume 43, Issue 12, Pages 1654-1673, 2011.
21. DEMOLY F., YAN X.T., EYNARD B., GOMES S., KIRITSIS D. “Integrated product relationships management: a model to enable concurrent product design and assembly sequence planning”, Journal of Engineering Design, Vol. 23, Issue 7, pp. 544-561, 2012.
22. BADIN J., CHAMORET D., ROTH S., IMBERT J-R., GOMES S. “Knowledge based simulation driven design for crash applications”, International journal of Mechanics and Applications, 4(2), 2012.
23. ROBERT A., ROTH S., CHAMORET D., YAN X.-T., PEYRAUT F., GOMES S. “Functional design method for improving safety and ergonomics of mechanical products”, Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 5, pp. 457-468, 2012.
24. BOUDOUH T., BOXBERGER J., GOMES S., “Project Management and Lean Engineering: an industrial application”, Journal of Modern Project Management, 1(1), pp. 50-55. ISSN: 2317-3963, 2013.
25. DEMOLY F., DUTARTRE O., EYNARD B., KIRITSIS D., YAN X.T., GOMES S. “Product relationships management enabler for concurrent engineering and product lifecycle management” Computers in Industry, 2013.
26. CHAMORET D., ROTH S., FENG Z.-Q., YAN X.-T., GOMES S. & PEYRAUT, F., “A novel approach to modelling and simulating the contact behaviour between a human hand model and a deformable object”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/10255842.2011.608662, Volume: 16 Issue: 2 Pages: 130-140, 2013.
27. GRUHIER E., DEMOLY F., DUTARTRE O., ABBOUDI S., GOMES S., “A formal ontology-based spatiotemporal mereotopology for integrated product design and assembly sequence planning”, Advanced Engineering Informatics, Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 495–512, 2015.
28. MONTICOLO D., BADIN J., GOMES S., BONJOUR E.; CHAMORET, D., “A meta-model for knowledge configuration management to support collaborative engineering”. Computer In Industry Volume: 66 Pages: 11-20, 2015.
29. ALMUSAWI, A., LACHAT, R., ATCHOLI, K.E., GOMES, S. “Proposal of manufacturing and characterization test of binderless hemp shive composite”. International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Volume 29, Issue 3, Pages 495-512, 2015.
30. GRUHIER E., DEMOLY, F., KIM K-Y, ABBOUDI S. GOMES. S., “A theoretical framework for product relationships description over space and time in integrated design“. Journal of Engineering Design, DOI 10.1080/09544828.2016.1144049. Volume 27, Issue 4-6, Pages 269-305, 2016.
31. TRAORE B., ATCHOLI KE., SAMAH OD., GOMES S., BEDA T., “Numerical Simulation and Experimental Characterization of Clay Paste under Loads for Energy Saving in Clay Materials Processing”, Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering 4 (02), 154, 2016.
32. MARCONNET, B., DEMOLY, F., MONTICOLO, D., GOMES, S., An assembly oriented design and optimization approach for mechatronic system engineering, International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization. Volume 8, 2017.
33. GRUHIER E., DEMOLY, F., GOMES. S., A spatiotemporal information management framework for product design and assembly process planning reconciliation. Computer In Industry. Volume 90 Pages 17-41, 2017.
34. SOSSOU G., DEMOLY F., MONTAVON G., GOMES S., “An additive manufacturing oriented design approach to mechanical assemblies”, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages 3-18, 2018.
35. WANG R., XIANG G., Li Y., Gomes S., “Designing a Smart Safety Helmet”, International Journal of Materials, Mechanics and Manufacturing (IJMMM, ISSN: 1793-8198), Vol. 6, No. 5, October 2018.
36. WANG R., SHEN M., LI Y. AND GOMES S. Multi-task Joint Sparse Representation Classification Based on Fisher Discrimination Dictionary Learning, Computers, Materials & Continua, vol.57 no.1, pp.25-48, 2018.
37. LESAGE P., DEMBINSKI L., ROTH J-P, SCHMITT M., GOMES S, ROTH S., « Low-velocity impact loadings on mechanical components: subtractive versus additive manufacturing ». Journal: Mechanics Research Communications, Volume 90, June 2018, Pages 47-51, 2018.
38. ZHENG C., EYNARD B., QIN X., LI J., BAI J., GOMES S., ZHANG Y., “A requirement-driven architecture definition approach for conceptual design of mechatronic systems”. Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, pp. 1-22, 2019
39. SOSSOU G., DEMOLY F., BELKEBIR H., QI H. J., GOMES S., MONTAVON G., Design for 4D printing: A voxel-based modeling and simulation of smart materials, Materials & Design, , Volume 175, 5 August 2019, 107798.
40. LEBAAL N., ZHANG Y., DEMOLY F., ROTH S., GOMES S., BERNARD A. “Optimize Lattice Structure Configuration for Additive Manufacturing” CIRP Annals Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 68, N°1, 2019.
41. SOSSOU G., DEMOLY F., BELKEBIR H., QI H. J., GOMES S., MONTAVON G., Design for 4D printing: Modeling and computation of smart materials distributions, Materials & Design, Volume 181, 5 November 2019, 108074.
42. ZHENG C., QIN X., EYNARD B., LI J., BAI J., ZHANG Y., GOMES S., “Interface model-based configuration design of mechatronic systems for industrial manufacturing applications, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 59, Pages 373-384, October 2019.
43. SOSSOU G., DEMOLY F., BELKEBIR H., QI H. J., GOMES S., MONTAVON G., Design for 4D printing: Modeling and computation of smart materials distributions, Materials & Design, Volume 181, 5 November 2019, 108074.
44. LU X., THOMAS P., ZHANG Y., LIAO H., GOMES S., HELLEVANG J., Characterization of Optical Fibers Directly Embedded on Metal using a Particle Spray based Method, IEEE Sensors Journal, DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2977251, PP(99):1-1, February 2020.
45. LIU M., ZHANG Y., DONG W., YU Z., LIU S., GOMES S., LIAO H. AND DENG S., “Grey modeling for thermal spray processing parameter analysis”, Grey Systems: Theory and Application, https://doi.org/10.1108/GS-12-2019-0063, February. 2020 .
46. ZHANG Y., WANG Z., ZHANG Y., GOMES S., BERNARD A., Bio-inspired Generative Design for Support Structure Generation and Optimization in Additive Manufacturing (AM), Vol. 9, N°1, 2020.
47. LEBAAL N., SETTAR A., ROTH S., GOMES S. ” Conjugate heat transfer analysis within in lattice-filled heat exchanger for additive manufacturing”, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 15 Sep 2020, https://doi.org/10.1080/15376494.2020.1819489.
48. GUESSASMA S., BELHABIB S., BASSIR D., NOURI H. and GOMES S. “On the mechanical behaviour of biosourced cellular polymer manufactured using Fused Deposition Modelling”. Polymers, 12(11), 2651 ; https://doi.org/10.3390/polym12112651, November, 2020.
49. DIMASSI S., DEMOLY F., CRUZ C., GOMES S., KYOUNG-YUN J. K., QI J.H., ANDRE J-C, An ontology-based framework to formalize and represent 4D printing knowledge in design, Computers in Industry, Volume 126, April 2021, 103374, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2020.103374.
50. CADIOU T., DEMOLY F. GOMES S. “A hybrid additive manufacturing platform based on fused filament fabrication and direct ink writing techniques for multi-material 3D printing”, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology volume 114, pages 3551–3562 2021.
51. JIAN B., DEMOLY F., ZHANG Y., GOMES S., “3D-2D-3D: 4D printing 3D support-free hollow structures via origami-based design”, Virtual and Physical Prototyping Journal, 2021.
52. JIAN B., DEMOLY F., ZHANG Y., QI J. H., ANDRE J-C., GOMES S., ” Origami-based design for 4D printing of 3D support-free hollow structures”, Engineering, 2021.
Conception, Optimisation
et Modélisation
en Mécanique
Interactions et
Contrôle Quantiques
Procédés Métallurgiques Durabilité, Matériaux