Until 2007: The originality of the approach I have undertaken to synthesize and study nanomaterials was to jointly control the morphology, the size distribution, the nature of the interfaces and the stoichiometry of the products. Indeed, many controversies in literature come from the non-control of one of these parameters (evolution of the lattice parameters, phase transition temperatures…). Some of these controversies have thus been excluded thanks to the approach I have developed.
After 2007 (after my habilitation): I refocused my work to initiate, in my laboratory, a new thematic about bioapplications of nanopowders.
Founder of the Research Team (Bio-)hybrid nanoparticles & nanostructures BH2N
The key nanomaterials studied are:
- SPIONs (SuperParamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles) for multimodal imaging (MRI/PET and MRI/optical imaging). Two strengths are put to use (i) the originality of their simultaneous synthesis and colloidal stabilization in one step through a hydrothermal synthesis device working continuously (synthesis time <10 s, conditions T, P up to the supercritical water field) and (ii) the association of these nanoparticles with innovative chelating agents (NODAGA, MANOTA etc.) or innovative fluorophores (phtalocyanine in particular).
- Titanate nanotubes (TiONts) that few teams in the world are able to synthesize. For the first time, these nanoparticles are developed for applications related to their ability to be internalized in various cell types. They have proven themselves for DNA transfection and radiosensitizing of tumors (glioblastoma and prostate cancer).
207 communications:
- 34 invited conferences (19 in international congresses)
- 14 invited seminars (6 abroad)
- 13 popular science lectures (with personal invitation)
- European Ceramic Society award (Brighton, UK), 1998
- French Ceramic Society award (Paris, France), 1998
- JECH award (Paris, France, Heterogeneous Kinetic), 1998
Principal investigator and founder of the national training action ANF NanoMed 2018
Member of the scientific committee of ICONAN 2016, 2017 and 2018
Some upcoming or recent communications:
- Development of novel versatile theranostic platforms: from SPIONs to titanate nanotubes and tantalum oxides, J. Boudon, L. Maurizi, F. Sallem, N. Millot*, SFNano, Montpellier (France), 3-5 décembre 2018
- Continuous and reproducible functionalized nanoparticles as MRI-PET contrast agents: towards targeting multimodal probes? G. Thomas, J. Boudon, L. Maurizi, M. Moreau, P. Walker, A. Oudot, F. Demoisson, F. Denat, F. Brunotte, N. Millot*, BioNanomed 2016, 20-22 mars 2017, Krems (Austria)
- Development of titanate nanotubes to vectorize docetaxel or combined with Au nanoparticles for the treatment of prostate cancer, A. Loiseau, J. Boudon, C. Mirjolet, G. Créhange, B. Collin, A. Oudot, S. Roux, N. Millot*, EMRS, 2-5 mai 2016, Lille (France)
- Biomedical applications of nanoparticles: new nanoplatforms for theranostic. Some examples in oncology, cardiovascular diseases, gene therapy and neurosciences, N. Millot, “IV Congreso Internacional de Salud Integral, IX Congreso Francés de Ciencias y Tecnologías Avanzadas, I Congreso Internacional de l’APSP”, 27-29 October 2016, Santa Marta (Colombia), Invited Conference
- Innovative SPIONs for multimodal imaging: MRI/PET and MRI/optical imaging, J. Boudon, G. Thomas, J. Paris, L. Maurizi, N. Millot*, ICONAN 2016, 28-30 September 2016, Paris (France)
- Preclinical development of a titanate-docetaxel nanohybrid for the treatment of prostate cancer, J. Boudon, C. Mirjolet, A. Loiseau, G. Créhange, N. Millot*, MRS Fall Meeting, 29 novembre-4 December 2015, Boston (USA)
Accepted publication: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2019)
- Publications extracted from Web of Science:
[iframe src=”/publications/membres/MILLOT_Nadine.html” width=”100%” height=”500″]
- Researcher unique identifiers:
Google Scholar
Researcher ID
- Guest Editor of a Special issue of Nanomaterials (19 papers published)
> Special Issue “Biomedical Applications of Nanoparticles”
- 1 international patent “Titanate nanostructures for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering“, WO 2014/079890 A1 Millot Nadine, Vandroux David, Bellat Vanessa
- 12 conference proceedings (two of them referenced by Sci. Finder Scholar)
- 2 book chapters:
* Nanomedicine (One Central Press, UK 2014) “Titanate nanotubes as a versatile platform for nanomedicine” J. Boudon, A.L. Papa, J. Paris, N. Millot* Unraveling the Safety Profile of Nanoscale Particles and Materials – From Biomedical to Environmental Applications, Edited by Andreia C. Gomes and Marisa P. Sarria, InTech – open science, 2018 ISBN 978-953-51-3940-9, Published: March 21, 2018 “Toxicological risk assessment of emerging nanomaterials: cytotoxicity, cellular uptake, effects on biogenesis and cell organelle activity, acute toxicity and biodistribution of oxide nanoparticles” L. Maurizi, A.L. Papa, J. Boudon, S. Sruthi, B. Pruvot, D. Vandroux, J. Chluba, G. Lizard, N. Millot, Chapter 2,
- 1 popular article: “Nanoparticules : de nouveaux outils thérapeutiques déjà éprouvés. Danger ou formidable espoir pour la société ?” N. Millot, Réalités Pédiatriques – n° 207_Janvier 2017
Relevant publications of the last years:
- “Taxane-grafted metal-oxide nanoparticles as a new theranostic tool against cancer: the promising example of docetaxel-functionalized titanate nanotubes in preclinical development on prostate tumors”, A. Loiseau, J. Boudon, C. Mirjolet, G. Créhange, N. Millot, Adv. Healthcare Mater. 1700245 (2017)
- “One-step continuous synthesis of functionalized magnetite nanoflowers”, G. Thomas, F. Demoisson, R. Chassagnon, E. Popova, N. Millot, Nanotechnology 27, 135604-135619 (2016)
- “Influence of surface charge and polymer coating on internalization and biodistribution of PEG-modified iron oxide nanoparticles”, L. Maurizi, A.L. Papa, L. Dumont, F. Bouyer, D. Vandroux, P. Walker, N. Millot, J. Biomed. Nanotechnol. 11, 126–136 (2015)
- “Titanate nanotubes: towards a novel and safer nanovector for cardiomyocytes”, A.L. Papa, L. Dumont, D. Vandroux, N. Millot, Nanotoxicology 7 (6), 1131 (2013)
- “The radiosensitization effect of titanate nanotubes as a new tool in radiation therapy for glioblastoma: a proof-of-concept”, C. Mirjolet, A.L. Papa, G. Créhanges, G. Truc, P. Maingon, N. Millot, Radioth. Oncol. 108, 136 (2013)
Principal advisor of International Relations of ESIREM, Materials Department
Principal advisor of ESIREM internships, Materials Department (2006-2021)
Control of the placement of 45 students each year, co-writing of a quality charter on internships, advice for students, personal placement of 5 to 10 students each year, administrative follow-up of internships, choice of the tutors at the university, organization of the oral defenses.
Teaching duties 2015/2016 :
- ESIREM 3rd year, “Cristallography”, Lecture (15 h), Tutorial (24 h)
- ESIREM 4th and 5th years, “Responsibility of internships” (34 h)
- ESIREM 4th and 5th years, “Ceramic”, Tutorial (6 h), Practical Work (56 h)
- BSc in Chemistry (Licence 3), “Nanopowders”, Lecture (18 h), Practical Work (21 h)
- Master 2 Nanosciences and Master 2 CDM (Control and Durability of Materials)
“The impact of nanomaterials on Health and Safety”, Lecture (12 h)
“Nanohybrids: Biomedical Applications”, Lecture (6 h)
Author of an educational book, Lavoisier Editions (Paris, February 2014) “Cristallographie Géométrique – Cours – Exercices et Problèmes corrigés” (266 pages), Nadine MILLOT, Jean-Claude NIEPCE, Graduate-level, Engineering school