Bureau DR04B
COLAS des FRANCS Gérard (version anglaise)
Photo | Gerard.Colas-des-Francs@u-bourgogne.fr 03-80-39-90-67 Aile D-R04B |
Département Nanosciences, équipe optique submicronique et nanocapteurs (OSNC) PR1 |
Gérard COLAS des FRANCS was born on July 4th, 1973 in L’Union, France. He is full professor (PR1) at the Université de Bourgogne. Alumni of ENS Cachan (1994). He holds a doctorate in Physics (2002) from the University of Toulouse, where he worked on fluorescence in a surface-tip junction. He then moved to University of Münster as a Marie Curie fellow where he investigated highly resolved optical near-field microscopy. His interests are focused on the fundamental aspect of surface enhanced spectroscopies, plasmonics, and quantum plasmonics. He has supervised 8 PhD students (past and running, Habilitation Nov. 2009). He received the PES (prime d’excellence scientifique) in 2010. GCF is author or co-author of about 110 scientific publications, and 3 book chapters.
Teaching in L1 (general physics), L3 (mathematical physics) and M2 (nano-optics)
Conception, Optimisation
et Modélisation
en Mécanique
Interactions et
Contrôle Quantiques
Procédés Métallurgiques Durabilité, Matériaux