Conception, Optimisation et Modélisation en Mécanique
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Sossou G., Demoly F., Montavon G. and Gomes S., An additive manufacturing oriented design approach to mechanical assemblies, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, 2018, 5(1), pp. 3-18.
Demoly F. and Roth S., Knowledge-based parametric CAD models of configurable biomechanical structures using geometric skeletons, Computers in Industry, 2017, 92-93, pp. 104-117.
Marconnet B., Demoly F., Monticolo D. and Gomes S., An assembly oriented design and optimization approach for mechatronic system engineering, International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization, 2017, 8, NA7, 10p.
Khan M.T.H., Demoly F. andKim K.-Y., Formal ontology and CAD integration with macro parametric approach, Computer-Aided Design and Applications, DOI: 10.1080/16864360.2017.1308078, 2017.
Gruhier E., Demoly F. and Gomes S., A spatiotemporal information management framework for product design and assembly process planning reconciliation, Computers in Industry, 2017, 90, pp. 17-41.
Gruhier E., Demoly F., Kim K.-Y., Abboudi S. and Gomes S., A theoretical framework for product relationships description over space and time in integrated design, Journal of Engineering Design, 2016, 27(4-6), pp. 269-305.
Gruhier E., Demoly F., Abboudi S. and Gomes S., A formal ontology-based spatiotemporal mereotopology for integrated product design and assembly sequence planning, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2015, 29(3), pp. 495-512.
Demoly F., Dutartre O., Yan X.-T., Eynard B., Kiritsis D. and Gomes S., Product Relationships Management Enabler for Concurrent Engineering and product lifecycle management, Computers in Industry, 2013, 64(7), pp. 833-848.
Demoly F., Matsokis A. and Kiritsis D., A mereotopological product relationship description approach for assembly oriented design, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2012, 28(1), pp. 681-693.
Demoly F., Yan X.-T., Eynard B., Kiritsis D. and Gomes S. Integrated product relationships management: a model to enable concurrent product design and assembly sequence planning, Journal of Engineering Design, 2012, 23(7), pp. 544-561.
Demoly F., Toussaint L., Eynard B., Kiritsis D. and Gomes S., Geometric skeleton computation enabling concurrent product engineering and assembly sequence planning, Computer-Aided Design, 2011, 43(2), pp. 1654-1673.
Demoly F., Troussier N., Eynard B., Falgarone H., Fricero B. and Gomes S., Proactive assembly oriented design approach based on the deployment of functional requirements, Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, 2011.
Demoly F., Yan X.-T., Eynard B., Rivest L. and Gomes S., An Assembly oriented design framework for product structure engineering and assembly sequence planning, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2011, 27(1), pp. 33-46.
Demoly F., Monticolo D., Eynard B., Rivest L. and Gomes S., Multiple viewpoint modelling framework enabling integrated product-process design, International Journal of Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 2010, 4(4), pp. 269-280.
Demoly F., Eynard B., Rivest L. and Gomes S., PLM-based approach for assembly process engineering, International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 2010, 5(4), pp. 414-428.
Toussaint L., Demoly F., Lebaal N. and Gomes S., PLM-based approach for design verification and validation using manufacturing process knowledge, Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2010, 8(1), pp. 1-7.