Nanosense Lab Team – Dept. Nanosciences
Office DR08 – Experimental rooms: DS12, DS14, DS21-DS25
Université de Bourgogne Franche Comté
9 Av. Savary – BP 47870 – 21078 Dijon, France
Since 2006 Professor in Biophysics, University of Bourgogne, France 2003 Qualification for Professor of the Universities
In section Dense mediums and materials
In section Chemistry theoretical, Physics, Analytics In section Physicochemical sciences and pharmaceutical technologies 1994-2003 Associate Professor in Biophysics at the University of Dijon 1992-1994 Assistant Professor in Physics at the University of Dijon 1991- 1992 Post doctoral position at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (TN, USA)
Health and Safety Research Division – Supervisor Dr. T.L. Ferrell
Subject: “Development of Ultra High Vacuum Scanning Tunneling Microscope for biological use – Sequencing DNA US project”
1. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. How to identify lipid vesicles by AFM-IR and multi-frequency AFM? XIX Annual Linz Winter Workshop, 3-6 February 2017, Linz, Austria.
2. E. LESNIEWSKA. Conférence invitée. Identification of contaminants on excipients using ultrasound AFM. AFM User meeting 2016, 23-24 November 2016, CEA Saclay, Orsay, France.
3. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Investigation of Murine Norovirus infection on HS-AFM-SERS platform. 4th Kanazawa Bio-AFM meeting, 3-6 October 2016, Kanazawa, Japan.
4. E. LESNIEWSKA, Conférence invitée. Nanostructure analysis of gypsum and force at the origin of the setting of plaster. Microstructure and Mechanics of Gypsum. Saint Gobain, 21 juin 2016, Paris, France.
5. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Combining AFM-IR and Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside bacteria. XVIII Annual Linz Winter Workshop, January 29th – February 1st, 2016, Linz, Austria.
6. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Combining AFM-IR and Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside bacteria. XVII Annual Linz Winter Workshop, January 29th – February 1st, 2015, Linz, Austria.
7. E. LESNIEWSKA, Conférence invitée AFM imaging to measure chemical-physics properties at the nanoscale. Nanothermodynamics Workshop, 1-5 December 2014, Leiden, the Netherlands.
8. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Tomographic multi-frequency microscopy for depth investigation on soft samples. AFM User’s meeting 2014, 19-20 November 2014, Reims, France.
9. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. Acoustic, microwave and infrared imaging used for lipid investigations. ISPM 2014. 16th International Scanning Probe Meeting. June 29 – July 2, 2014, Seoul, Korea.
10. E. LESNIEWSKA et al. Conférence invitée. High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy on proteins. AFM User’s meeting 2013, 20-21 November 2013, Lyon, France.
1. E. Bourillot, D. Carriou, E.N. Aybeke, P. Vitry, S. Weidmann, J. Guzzo, E. Lesniewska. Direct HS-AFM observation of lipid bilayer protection by small heat shock proteins. Small, (2016). In press. I.F. 8.36.
2. V. Optasanu, E. Bourillot, R. Selon, L. Lavisse, A. Sanchot, P. Vitry, A. Kanjer, P. Berger, E. Lesniewska, T. Montesin. Advance in revelant characterization techniques H-10 Characterization of oxygen-enriched layers of TA6V, Titanium and Zirconium by Scanning Microwave Microscopy. Oxidation of Metals, (2016). Accepted
3. R.E. Ionescu, E.N. Aybeke, E. Bourillot, Y. Lacroute, E. Lesniewska, P.M. Adam, JL. Bijeon. Fabrication of annealed gold particules on pre-treated glow-discharge cleaned glasses and their used for LSPR and SERS detection of adsorbed (bio)molecules, Sensor 17(2), 236 (2017). I.F. 2.4
4. E.N. Aybeke, G. Belliot, S. Lemaire, M. Estienney, Y. Lacroute, P. Pothier, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska. HS-AFM and SERS analysis of Murine Norovirus infection: involvement of the lipid rafts, Small, 13, 1 (2017). I.F. 8.36.
5. JR Rocca-Smith, T Karbowiak, E Marcuzzo, A Sensidoni, F Piasente, D. Champion, O. Heinz, P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska, F. Debeaufort. Impact of corona treatment on PLA film properties. Polymer Degradation and Stability 132, 109 (2016). I.F. 3.12.
6. P Vitry, E Bourillot, L Tétard, C Plassard, Y Lacroute, E Lesniewska. Mode‐synthesizing atomic force microscopy for volume characterization of mixed metal nanoparticles. J. Microscopy 263(3), 307 (2016). I.F. 2.33.
7. G Leclercq, I Laïos, C Elie-Caille, D Leiber, G Laurent, E Lesniewska, Y. Jacquot. ERα dimerization: a key factor for the weak estrogenic activity of an ERα modulator unable to compete with estradiol in binding assays. J Receptors and Signal Transduction 37 (2), 149 (2017). I.F. 2.32.
8. P Vitry, R Rebois, E Bourillot, A Deniset-Besseau, MJ Virolle, E. Lesniewska, A. Dazzi. Combining infrared and mode synthesizing atomic force microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside Streptomyces bacteria. Nano Research 9(6), 1674 (2016). I.F. 8.893.
9. S.N. Pleskova, E.N. Aybeke, E Bourillot, E Lesniewska. Characteristics of morphological differences of detergent-resistant membrane domains isolated from different cells and investigated by atomic force microscopy. Cell and Tissue Biology 10 (3), 233 (2016). I.F. 1.518.
10. M Delhorme, C Labbez, M Turesson, E Lesniewska, CE Woodward. Aggregation of Calcium Silicate Hydrate Nanoplatelets. Langmuir 32 (8), 2058 (2016). I.F. 3.993
11. SN Pleskova, EN Aybeke, E Bourillot, E Lesniewska. Characterization of the difference in the morphology of detergent resistant membranes domains isolated from different cell types by atomic force microscopy. Tsitologiia 58(2), 120 (2015).
12. P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, C. Plassard, Y. Lacroute, E. Calkins, L. Tétard, E. Lesniewska. Mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy for 3D reconstruction of embedded low-density dielectric nanostructures. Nano Research, 8 (7), 2199 (2015). IF 8.893.
13. O Mouawad, P Vitry, C Strutynski, J Picot-Clémente, F Désévédavy, G Gadret, J-C Jules, E Lesniewska, F Smektala. Atmospheric aging and surface degradation in As 2 S 3 fibers in relation with suspended-core profile. Optical Materials 44, 25 (2015). I.F. 2.183.
14. E.N. Aybeke, Y. Lacroute, C. Elie-Caille, A. Bouhelier, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska. Homogeneous large-scale crystalline nanoparticle-covered substrate with high SERS performance. Nanotechnology, 26(24), 245302 (2015). IF 3.573.
15. A Laguerre, Y Chang, M Pirrotta, N Desbois, CP Gros, E Lesniewska, D. Monchaud. Surface-promoted aggregation of amphiphilic quadruplex ligands drives their selectivity for alternative DNA structures. Organic & biomolecular chemistry 13 (25), 7034 (2015). I.F. 3.559.
16. E Bourillot, P Vitry, V Optasanu, C Plassard, Y Lacroute, T Montessin. E. Lesniewska. Solid Solution Characterization in Metal by Original Tomographic Scanning Microwave Microscopy Technique. Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2015, 65, 72 (2015).
17. O Mouawad, F Amrani, B Kibler, J Picot-Clémente, C Strutynski, J Fatome, F Désévédavy, G Gadret, JC Jules, O Heintz, E Lesniewska, F Smektala. Impact of optical and structural aging in As2S3 microstructured optical fibers on mid-infrared supercontinuum generation. Optics express 22 (20), 23912 (2014). I.F. 3.148.
18. P. Vitry, E. Bourillot, C. Plassard, Y. Lacroute, L. Tetard, E. Lesniewska. Advances in quantitative nanoscale subsurface imaging by mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105(5), 053110 (2014). IF 3.515
19. M. Ewald, L. Tetard, C. Elie-Caille, L. Nicod, A. Passian, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska. From surface to intracellular non-invasive nanoscale study of living cells impairments. Nanotechnology 25 (29), 295101 (2014). IF 3.67
20. R. Zeggari, J.F. Manceau, E.N. Aybeke, R. Yahiaoui, E. Lesniewska, W. Boireau. Design and fabrication of an acoustic micromixer for biological media activation. Procedia Engineering 87, 935 (2014).
21. V. Optasanu, E. Bourillot, P. Vitry, C. Plassard, L. Beaurenaut, P. Jacquinot, P. Berger, E. Lesniewska, T. Montesin. High-resolution characterization of the diffusion of light chemical elements in metallic components by Scanning Microwave Microscopy. Nanoscale, 6 (24), 14932 (2014). IF 7.76.
Conception, Optimisation
et Modélisation
en Mécanique
Interactions et
Contrôle Quantiques
Procédés Métallurgiques Durabilité, Matériaux