Dr. Eric BOURILLOT received his M.S. degree in Physics in 1989, his PhD degree in Physics in 1993 and its HDR in 2003. In 1994, he became Assistant Professor in the Physics Laboratory (LPUB, CNRS UMR 2509) of university of Dijon then of the Interdisciplinary Carnot of Bourgogne laboratory (ICB UMR 6303). He is promoted MCF-HC in 2009 and MCF-HC-CE in 2018 to CNU. These research interest cover development of new imaging investigation techniques based on scanning probe microscopy: near field optic, acoustic, microwave, high-speed atomic force microscopy, infra-red spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy (SERS), and nanoprobe development: bent fiber-tip, TERS nanoprobes. These developments have been devoted in guided optic to the study of the opto-geometrical properties (actives and passives components) to determine mode-cutoff wavelengths, localization of doping erbium, mode of InP laser diode (Thomson, Alcatel, CSEM). In material science, these researches are devoted to the non-destructive detection of early defects (Groupe IMI), inclusions, measurement of gradual changes due to diffusion of light chemical elements, and microstructural changes like residual stresses (Areva, C&K components, Dielh, INFIPLAST, Bio-Rad …). In biology, these researches concerned the study of living cell, bacteria for biofuel production, dynamics of Small heat shock proteins oligomerization.
[1] Hussein Nasrallah, Anthony Vial, Nicolas Pocholle, Jérémy Soulier, Luca Costa, Cédric Godefroy, Eric Bourillot,Eric Lesniewska, Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet, “Imaging Artificial Membranes Using High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy“, Book Atomic Force Microscopy, 45-59, 2019.
[2] Rodica Ionescu, Raphael Selon, Nicolas Pocholle, Lan Zhou, Anna Rumyantseva, Eric Bourillot, Eric Lesniewska, “Microwave Spectroscopic Detection of Human Hsp70 Protein on Annealed Gold Nanostructures on ITO Glass Strips“, Biosensors, 8(4), 118,2018.
[3] S. Ployon, M. Morzel, C. Belloir, A. Bonnotte, E. Bourillot, E. Lesniewska, E. Aybeke, F. Canon,“Mechanisms of astringency: structural alteration of the oral mucosal pellicle by dietary tannins and protective effect of bPRPs“, Food Chemistry, 253, 79-87, 2018. IF 4.5
[4] L.F Garcia-Alles, E.Lesniewska, K.Root, N.Aubry, N.Pocholle, C.I Mendoza, E.Bourillot, K.Barylyuk, D.Pompon, R.Zenobi, D.Reguera, G.Truan, “Spontaneous non-canonical assembly of CcmK hexameric components from β-carboxysome shells of cyanobacteria“, PloS one 12 (9), e0185109, (2017). IF 3.4
[5] V.Optasanu, E.Bourillot, R.Selon, L.Lavisse, A.Sanchot, P.Vitry, A.Kanjer, P.Berger, E.Lesniewska, T.Montesin, “Advance in revelant characterization techniques H-10 Characterization of oxygen-enriched layers of TA6V, Titanium and Zirconium by Scanning Microwave Microscopy“, Oxidation of Metals, 88, 531-542, (2017). IF 1.276
[6] E.N.Aybeke, G.Belliot, S.Lemaire, M.Estienney, Y.Lacroute, P.Pothier, E.Bourillot, E.Lesniewska,“HS-AFM and SERS analysis of Murine Norovirus infection: involvement of the lipid rafts“, Small, 13 (1), (2017), IF 8.36
[7] R.E. Ionescu, E. Aybeke, E. Bourillot,Y. Lacroute, E. Lesniewska, P.M. Adam, JL. Bijeon, “Fabrication of annealed gold particules on pre-treated glow-discharge cleaned glasses and their used for LSPR and SERS detection of adsorbed (bio)molecules“, Sensor, 2, 236, (2017). IF 2.0
[8] J.Rocca-Smith, T.Karbowiak, E.Marcuzzo, A.Sensidoni, F.Piasente, D.Champion, O.Heintz, P.Vitry, E.Bourillot, E.Lesniewska, F.Debeaufort, “Impact of corona treatment on PLA film properties“, Polym. Degrad. Stabil., 132, 109-116, (2016). IF 2.77
[9] P.Vitry, E.Bourillot*,L.Tétard, C.Plassard, Y.Lacroute, E.Lesniewska, “Mode-Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy for volume characterization of mixed metal nanoparticles“, J.Microscopy, 263, 307-311, (2016). IF 2.33
[10] S.Pleskova, E.N.Aybeke, E.Bourillot, E.Lesniewska,“Characterization of the difference in the morphology of detergent resistant membranes domains isolated from different cell types by atomic force microscopy“, Cell and Tissue Biology, 10, 233-241 (2016). IF 1.258
[11] S.Pleskova, E.N.Aybeke, E.Bourillot, E.Lesniewska, “Characteristics of morphological differences of detergent- Resistant membrane domains isolated from different cells and investigated by atomic force microscopy“,Tsitologiia, 58, 120-128 (2016).
[12] P.Vitry, R.Rebois, E.Bourillot*, A.Deniset-Besseau, M.J. Virolle, E.Lesniewska, A.Dazzi, “Combining Infra-Red and Mode Synthesizing Atomic Force Microscopy: Application to the study of lipid vesicles inside bacteria“, Nano Research, 9, 1674-1681, (2016). IF 7.39
[13] E.Bourillot, P.Vitry, V.Optasanu, C.Plassard, Y.Lacroute, T.Montesin, E.Lesniewska, “Solid Solution Characterization in metal by Original Tomographic Scanning Microwave Microscopy Technique“, Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials, (Ed. Springer, Cham) 65-72(2015). IF 1.4
[14] E.N.Aybeke,Y.Lacroute,C.Elie-Caille,A.Bouhelier, E.Bourillot, E.Lesniewska, “Homogeneous large-scale crystalline nanoparticle-covered substrate with high SERS performance“, Nanotechnology, 26, 245302,(2015). IF 3.67
[15] P.Vitry, E.Bourillot*, C.Plassard, Y.Lacroute, E.Calkins, L.Tétard, E.Lesniewska, “Mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy for 3D reconstruction of embedded low-density dielectric nanostructures“, Nano Research, 8 (7), 2199-2205, (2015). IF 7.39
[16] V.Optasanu, E.Bourillot*, P.Vitry, C.Plassard, L.Beaurenaut, P.Jacquinot, F.Herbst, P.Berger, E.Lesniewska, T.Montesin, “High-resolution characterization of the diffusion of light chemical elements in metallic components by Scanning Microwave Microscopy“, Nanoscale, 6, 14932-14938, (2014). IF 6.73
[17] P.Vitry, E.Bourillot*, C.Plassard, Y.Lacroute, L.Tetard, E.Lesniewska, “Advances in quantitative nanoscale subsurface imaging by mode-synthesizing atomic force microscopy“, Appl.Phys.Lett.,105, 053110,(2014). IF 3.52
[18] M.Ewald, L.Tetard, C.Elie-Caille, L.Nicod, A.Passian, E.Bourillot, E.Lesniewska, “From surface to intracellular non-invasive nanoscale study of living cells impairments“, Nanotechnology, 25 (29), 295101(2014). IF 3.67
[19] J.Matanga, Y.Lacroute, P.Gouton, E.Bourillot,“Optical characterization parameters by study and comparison of subwavelength patterns for color filtering and multispectral purpose“, Sensors Cameras and Systems for Industrial and Scientific applications, XIV Book Series8659, Article Number: 86590R, (2013). IF 0.2
[20] SN Pleskova, EN Aybeke, EE Pudovkina, E Bourillot, E Lesniewska, “The study of monocytes and their submembrane structures by atomic force microscopy“, J. Biol. Phys. Chem., 12, 168-173 (2012).
[21] J.Rossignol, C.Plassard, E.Bourillot, Y.Lacroute, E. Lepleux, L. Pacheco and E.Lesniewska, “Non-destructive technique to detect local buried defects in metal sample by scanning microwave microscopy“, Sensors and Actuators A–Physical, 186, pp 219-222, (2012). IF 1.94
[22] E Lesniewska, E Bourillot, D Carriou, J Gushina, E Pudovkina, SN Pleskova, “The study of living and fixing buccal epitheliocytes morphology by atomic force microscopy“, Current Microscopy Contributions to Advances in Science and Technology Book series Number 5 (A. Méndez-Vilas, Ed.), vol.1, pp 561- 568, (2012).
[23] SN Pleskova, EN Aybeke, EE Pudovkina, E Bourillot, E Lesniewska, “The study of monocytes and their submembrane structures by atomic force microscopy“, J.Biol.Phys.Chem., 12, 168-173, (2012).
Conception, Optimisation
et Modélisation
en Mécanique
Interactions et
Contrôle Quantiques
Procédés Métallurgiques Durabilité, Matériaux