IUT Le Creusot, 12 rue de la Fonderie, 71200 Le Creusot
Dr. Iryna TOMASHCHUK (1984), thèse de doctorat (Université de Bourgogne, 2010); ATER au sein du laboratoire ICB et du département Mesures Physiques, IUT Le Creusot (2009-2011) ; maitre de conférences à IUT Le Creusot (2011). Travaux de recherche sont centrés autour des thématiques suivantes : l’assemblage des matériaux métalliques de la nature différente par les faisceaux de hautes énergies (laser et faisceau d’électrons), modélisation numérique de l’hydrodynamique de la zone fondue lors du soudage, la métallurgie du soudage.
Les congrès internationaux
1. I. Tomashchuk, ¨P. Sallamand, J.-P. Chateau-Cornu, Easy teaching of numerical simulation of welding with COMSOL®, Conference COMSOL 2018, 22-24 October 2016, Laussanne, Swisse.
2. I. Tomashchuk, I. Bendaoud, J.-M. Jouvard, P. Sallamand, The Numerical Challenges in Multiphysical Modeling of Laser Welding with ALE, Conference COMSOL 2018, 22-24 October 2016, Laussanne, Swisse.
3. A. Mannucci, I. Tomashchuk, V. Vignal, P. Sallamand, M. Duband, Parametric study of laser welding of copper to austenitic stainless steel, LANE 2018, 3-6 September 2018, Fuerth, Allemagne.
4. A. Mannucci, I. Tomashchuk, A. Mathieu, E. Cicala, T. Boucheron, R. Bolot, S. Lafaye, Direct laser welding of pure titanium to austenitic stainless steel, LANE 2018, 3-6 September 2018, Fuerth, Allemagne.
5. M.H. Tierean, I.C. Mon, E. Cicala, M. Pilloz, I. Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, Characterization of fusion lines obtained by laser welding on austempered ductile iron plates without preheating, 18th Israel Materials Engineering Conference, February 6-8, Ein Bokek, Israeil.
6. I. Tomashchuk, M. Mostafa, T. Caudwell, P. Sallamand, M. Duband, Behavior of laser induced keyhole during dissimilar welding of metals, Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2017, June 26-29, 2017, Munich, Allemagne.
7. A. Métais, P. Sallamand, I. Tomashchuk, S. Gaied, Effect of material gauge on laser weld pool mixing between dissimilar steels, Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2017, June 26-29, 2017, Munich, Allemagne.
8. C. Mon, M.H. Tierean, E. Cicala, M. Pilloz, I. Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, Characterization of fusion lines obtained by laser welding on preheated ductile iron plates, 10th International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering – BRAMAT 2017, 8-11 March 2017, Brașov, Romania.
9. I. Tomashchuk, I. Bendaoud, P. Sallamand, E. Cicala, S. Lafaye, M. Almuneau, Multiphysical modelling of keyhole formation during dissimilar laser welding, Conference COMSOL 2015, 12-14 October 2016, Munich, Allemagne (best paper award).
10. A. Métais, S. Matteï, I. Tomashchuk, E. Cicala, S. Gaied, Dissimilar steels laser welding: experimental and numerical assessment of weld mixing, ICALEO, 16-20 October 2016, San Diego, USA.
11. A. Métais, S. Matteï, I. Tomashchuk, S. Gaied, Multiphysical modeling of transport phenomena during laser welding of dissimilar steels, LANE 2016, 19-22 September 2016, Fuerth, Allemagne.
12. I. Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, M. Duband, Laser assisted brazing of titanium to aluminum alloy, Conference COMSOL 2015, 14-16 October 2015, Grenoble, France.
13. A. Métais, S. Matteï, I. Tomashchuk, S. Gaied, Modelling of Transport Phenomena in Laser Welding of Steels, Conference COMSOL, 14-16 October 2015, Grenoble, France (best paper award).
Les congrès nationaux
1. M. Mostafa, I. Tomashchuk, T. Caudwell, P. Sallamand, M. Duband, Formation du capillaire de vapeur lors de l’interaction de laser de puissance avec la jonction dissimilaire Al-Mg, Congrès Français de Thermique 2017, 30 mai – 2 juin 2017, Marseille.
2. A.Metais, S. Mattei, I. Tomashchuk, S. Gaied, Modélisation multiphysique du soudage laser des aciers de nature différente, Congrès Français de Thermique 2016, Toulouse, 31 mai-3 juin 2016.
3. A. Mathieu, A. Métais, I. Tomashchuk, Mesure de température en surface d’un bain de soudage TIG, Congrès Français de Thermique 2016, Toulouse, 31 mai-3 juin 2016.
4. A. Mathieu, I. Tomashchuk, Simulation numérique thermomécanique du soudage tandem Laser-MIG d’un acier Superduplex de 20 mm d’épaisseur, Matériaux 2014, 24-28 novembre 2014, Montpelier.
5. I.Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, M. Duband, A. Mathieu, E. Cicala, Compréhension de la formation des assemblages titane-aluminium réalisés par faisceau laser, Matériaux 2014, 24-28 novembre 2014, Montpelier.
Journaux internationaux
1. A. Mannucci, I. Tomashchuk, V. Vignal, P. Sallamand, M. Duband, 2018, Parametric study of laser welding of copper to austenitic stainless steel, Procedia CIRP, 74, 450-455.
2. A. Mannucci, I. Tomashchuk, A. Mathieu, E. Cicala, T. Boucheron, R. Bolot, S. Lafaye, 2018, Direct laser welding of pure titanium to austenitic stainless steel, Procedia CIRP, 74, 485-490.
3. I. Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, 2018, Metallurgical Strategies for the Joining of Titanium Alloys with Steels, Advanced Engineering Materials, invited review, DOI: 10.1002/adem.201700764.
4. I. Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, A. Méasson, E. Cicala, M. Duband, P. Peyre, 2017, Aluminum to titanium laser welding-brazing in V-shaped groove, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 245, p. 24-36.
5. A. Métais, S. Mattei, I. Tomashchuk, E. Cicala, S. Gaied, 2017, Dissimilar steels laser welding: Experimental and numerical assessment of weld mixing, Journal of Laser Applications 29, 022420.
6. A. Métais, S. Matteï, I. Tomashchuk, S. Gaied, 2016, Multiphysical Modeling of Transport Phenomena During Laser Welding of Dissimilar Steels, Physics Procedia, 83, p. 1387-1396
7. D. Grevey, V. Vignal, I. Bendaoud, P. Erazmus-Vignal, I. Tomashchuk, D. Daloz, P. Sallamand, 2015, Microstructural and micro-electrochemical study of a tantalum–titanium weld interface, Materials & Design, 87, p. 974-985.
8. I. Tomashchuk, D. Grevey, P. Sallamand, 2015, Dissimilar laser welding of AISI 316L stainless steel to Ti6-Al4-6V alloy via pure vanadium interlayer, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 622, p. 37-45.
9. I. Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, E. Cicala, P. Peyre, D. Grevey. 2015, Direct keyhole laser welding of aluminum alloy AA5754 to titanium alloy Ti6Al4V, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 217, 96-104.
10. P. Peyre, L. Berthe, M. Dal, S. Pouzet, P. Sallamand, I. Tomashchuk, 2014, Generation and characterization of T40/A5754 interfaces with lasers, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 214, p. 1946-1953.
11. I. Bendaoud, S. Matteï, E. Cicala, I. Tomashchuk, H. Andrzejewski, P. Sallamand, A. Mathieu, F. Bouchaud, 2014, The numerical simulation of heat transfer during a hybrid laser–MIG welding using equivalent heat source approach, Optics & Laser Technology, 56, p. 334-342.
12. I. Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, N. Belyavina, M. Pilloz, 2013, Evolution of microstructures and mechanical properties during dissimilar electron beam welding of titanium alloy to stainless steel via copper interlayer, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 585, p.114-122.
13. S. Bannour, I. Tomashchuk, K. Abderrazak, H. Mhiri, 2012, Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of laser overlap welding of AZ31 and A5754, Science Academy Transactions on Renewable Energy Systems Engineering and Technology (SATRESET), 2, No. 1, p.185-189.
14. I. Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, J.M. Jouvard, 2013, The modeling of dissimilar welding of immiscible materials by using a phase field method, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 219, p.7103-7114.
15. I. Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, J.M. Jouvard, 2011, Multiphysical modeling of dissimilar welding via interlayer, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 211 (11), p.1796-1803.
16. I. Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, H. Andrzejewski, D. Grevey, 2011, The formation of intermetallics in dissimilar Ti6Al4V/copper/AISI 316 L electron beam and Nd:YAG laser joints, Intermetallics, 19 (10), p.1466-1473.
17. I. Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, J.M. Jouvard, D. Grevey, 2010, The simulation of morphology of dissimilar copper-steel electron beam welds using level set method, Computational Materials Science, 48 (4), p.827-836.
Journaux nationaux
1. L.S. Kostenko, I.I. Tomashchuk, T.V. Kovalchuk, O.A. Zaporozhets, V.N. Zaitsev, 2018, Bentonites with immobilized organophosphorous complexing ligands as adsorbents for the removal of toxic metals from natural water, Methods and objects of chemical analysis, 13, 35–43.
2. I. Tomashchuk, P. Sallamand, H. Andrzejewski, M. Duband, E. Cicala, A. Mathieu, 2014, La compréhension et la maîtrise des jonctions hétérogènes titane-aluminium réalisés par faisceau laser. Matériaux & Techniques 102, p. 407-1-407-9.
3. I. Tomashchuk, H. Andrzejewski, E. Cicala, D. Grevey, A. Mathieu, S. Mattei, P. Sallamand, 2013, The advances in comprehension of melted zone formation during fusion welding of dissimilar metals, Polish Ceramic Bulletin Ceramika 115 , p. 109-116.
4. G. Dominique, H. Andrzejewski, I. Bendaoud, E. Cicala, A. Mathieu, S. Matteï, P. Sallamand, I. Tkachenko, I. Tomashchuk, 2013, Study of hybrid laser-GMAW welding process, Polish Ceramic Bulletin Ceramika 115, p. 117-123.
Conception, Optimisation
et Modélisation
en Mécanique
Interactions et
Contrôle Quantiques
Procédés Métallurgiques Durabilité, Matériaux